Monday, 20 April 2015

MEST1 practice


One of the ways in which the Habbo Hotel news story fits into Channel 4's public service broadcasting remit is the portrayed adherence to provide investigative journalism. This is conveyed by the set design exhibited by the shots of the presenter in the studio. The display of digital screens and lights alongside other studio technological equipment provides the news broadcast with authenticity as it seems that nothing has to be concealed, thus implying the news presented to the audience is reliable due to the transparency of the news production process as well as due to the high technology Channel 4 utilise to provide quality news. This is important to Channel 4 as their core base is in news a they've been running since the channel began in 1982. Collectively, these factors regard Channel 4 as well as presenter John Snow with credibility for being proficient in news provision, 

This particular broadcast also consists of controversy which is parallel with C4's brand image. This is because the presenter advocates that the broadcasted report contains "sexually explicit and inappropriate content", which is also shown pre-watershed at 7PM. This decision would create disputation with regulators OfCom and thus be controversial. The actual report is one which BBC would refuse to air, a fact which compliments Channel 4 for being innovative and proudly different. The channel also exhibits their trait for experimentation in the clip as Snow states that the upcoming report is presenting a man posing as an 11 year old girl in order to test the issue, an approach which validates their news and also makes for unorthodox viewing which is different and innovative. 

It is further noteworthy to state that Channel 4 are ingratiating themselves to their targeted British audience by presenting the situation as severe and dramatic, making it concerning for the nation by clearly claiming that the issues are taking place 'here in Britain' and additionally drawing attention to parents to raise concerns. These points compiled would present Channel 4 as socially conscious, to glamourise their brand image as a public service broadcaster.

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