The Nike brand is about motivating self- enhancement and improving lifestyles.
Nike in one word: Inspiration
Apple accommodate a brand identity successfully adopted by idolised founder Steve Jobs. This brand identity aims to innovate existing technology and to do things differently, thus better, instead of conforming to the regularities. Apple fits into Dyer's lines of appeal: community and social interaction, family values, durability and longevity - especially due to their products which boast its social connectivity, but furthermore because Apple continue to broadcast adverts which exhibit a narrative involving family members using Apple products such as their iPads and iPhones. Opportunity and access to success is also another brand value Apple accommodates, this being because Apple users are marketed as talented and successful in a particular field.
The Apple brand provides technological innovation to fuel social/professional integration.
Apple in one word: Innovation
Facebook promote their brand identity as a social
network which provides purely advantageous abilities to 'Share' content online
instead of the contrapuntal alleged exposure of privacy. Facebook feature
Dyer's lines of appeal including community
and social reaction as their campaigns are imminent on advertising the
website's distinctively effective role as a communication platform. Opportunity
and access to success also taps into their intended establishment as a brand
identity because they wish to convince businesses, offices and other
institutions to use Facebook as a means of sharing information in an integrated
part of mundane working and social life.
Facebook brand compliments integrating people via information to 'Share'.
Facebook in one word: Interaction
London 2012 occupies a brand identity intended to
boost morale, patriotism and social integrity on a large-scale as well as enhancement
in smaller scales from communities and cults to personal achievement. Dyer's
lines of appeal are gratified by the brand identity: community and social
interaction, durability and longevity class as a very important one because the
event intends to bring the metropolitan city together as well as the entire
nation via festive spirit and appreciation of sport and culture. Culture and
sophistication is another one of the many lines of appeal implemented into the
campaign because the event and beyond boasts the cultural perks of Britain.
London 2012's brand identity is all about
community and development.
London 2012 in one word: Pride
The F.A. Premier League most proudly stands to be the world's most watched sporting league,
effectively due to the passionate spirit and love for English football as a
culture; immediately this taps into their prestigious lines of appeal including
culture and sophistication. The F.A. Prem. League is continuously treated and marketed
religiously and claims its football culture to be an appealing factor of the
brand's identity in association to the longevity of the historical heritage
behind it. Particularly, TFAPL features significantly in the media and gains a
lot of coverage worldwide because of the way it connects communities and
inspires generations to appreciate football culture.
The F.A. Premier League is predominantly
about passionate football appreciation.
The F.A. Premier League in one word: Passion
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