Saturday, 21 February 2015

ill Manors: Print platform initial tasks

Questions for each of the interviews with Plan B

1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted?
2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory)
3) Does this text allow the audience to participate/contribute? (E.g. leave comments) How is this different to the print version of the magazine?
4) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article? 
5) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article?
6) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied?

Men's Health1. The target audience for MH Magazine is primarily middle-classed men aged 16-30 who aspire to achieve the stereotypically ideal body and lifestyle. The type of psychographic type of person to be attracted to this magazine is the reformers group as they desire to improve themselves. 

2. The magazine achieves the gratification of being informative as it features articles providing knowledge on fitness and health which the targeted readers wish to obtain to suffice their desired objectives of self-development. Specifically to the article, it also achieves indirect personal relationships to be formed between the interviewee and the readers.

3. The web version of the text allows readers to comment as well as share the article on social media networks.

4. The article consists of conventions such as a contextually-relevant-to-the-magazine type paragraph to introduce the interview. Another convention is the inclusion of pictures of the interviewee - Plan B in this case is dressed in fashionable clothing which adheres to the magazine's type. The format of the interview is also conventional. 

5. The interview is segmented into sub-topics which act as enigma codes to engage the reader's attention and inquisition as they are lured to proceed reading the interview answers. 

6. The texts share the synergy of references to Plan B's debut film ill Manors and the ideologies behind it.

1. NME is a music magazine which primarily targets men aged between 17-30, this target audience would be classed as BC1,C2,D, lower middle class, skilled working class and working class are all targets of this magazine.PlanB

2. This article fulfils the gratifications of being informative as it provides information about Plan B and his releases. It also informs about current political affairs to some extent with the references to David Cameron and the Conservatives party. 

3. The web version of the text allows readers to comment as well as share the article on social media networks.

4. The article consists of images relevant to the content featured as well as a colour-scheme coherent with the NME Magazine brand. The layout is also conventional to typical magazine articles.

5. The narrative exhibited in the article follows the bold headline: 'Plan B attacks David Cameron over last year's riots' which progresses onto setting the chronology of events leading to this unsettling disequilibrium bound to cause socio-political controversy and media attention. 

6. The texts share the synergy of references to Plan B's debut film ill Manors and the ideologies behind it, reinforced throughout the broadcast platform aspect of Plan B's media activity. 

1. The target audience for The Guardian, being a broadsheet newspaper, is the educated middle-class with socially liberal left-wing political beliefs. 

2. The article achieves the gratification of being informative as it features a lengthy and detailed article regarding artist Plan B as well as offering personal relationship formation between the audience and the character portrayed of Plan B.

3. The web version of the text allows readers to comment as well as share the article on social media networks.

4. The guardian follows the conformist format of an online newspaper article as it features the headline with a short summary of the topic at the beginning and the remainder is occupied with many paragraphs of information and quotes as well as embedded images.

5. The article exhibits a narrative of Drew's personal life with the format of paragraphs to distinguish the narrative stages of the equilibrium, disequilibrium as well as the denouement - in which Drew sustains the role of the hero. 

6. The texts share the synergy of references to Plan B's debut film ill Manors and the ideologies behind it as well as accordance with the brand image portrayed in the broadcast editions of exhibiting Plan B.

1. GQ's target audience is of sophisticated males aged 25-39 with a desire for style. These would be psychographically determined as succeeders and aspirers.

2. The magazine achieves the gratification of being informative as it features articles providing knowledge on fitness and health which the targeted readers wish to obtain to suffice their desired objectives of self-development. Specifically to the article, it also achieves indirect personal relationships to be formed between the interviewee and the readers.

3. The web version of the text allows readers to comment as well as share the article on social media networks.

4. The article consists of conventions such as a contextually-relevant-to-the-magazine type paragraph to introduce the interview. Another convention is the inclusion of pictures of the interviewee - Plan B in this case is dressed in fashionable clothing which adheres to the magazine's type. The format of the interview is also conventional. 

5. The interview is segmented into sub-topics which act as enigma codes to engage the reader's attention and inquisition as they are lured to proceed reading the interview answers. 

6. The texts share the synergy of references to Plan B's debut film ill Manors and the ideologies behind it.

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