- What are the key conventions that help you identify the print text (e.g. title, central image, review quotes etc.)?
- What design features help identify the Ill Manors brand?
- What examples of synergy can you find with the broadcast platform or other print examples?
1. This banner-styled poster intended for display in underground stations and ClearChannel billboards can be identified because of its typical conventions including a central image and multiple review quotes with star-ratings. Most prominently, the information of release date and availability fulfils its primary intention of promotion.
2. The ill Manors brand is identified with the dark colour scheme supporting the urban theme as well as the trademark logo.
3. The symbol of the pistol highlights utmost relevance to the film's context. As noted in the design features question, the consistency of featuring the ill Manors trademark logo as well as the type-face and colour scheme maintains synergy alongside the other platform material such as the film itself as well as the music video.
1. This poster is recognisable in its form because it is composed of the expected conventions of a title, central image(s) and the inclusion of review quotes.
2. This poster employs the design features of holding a background image of an urban landscape as well as a primarily dark colour scheme - aspects which help identify the ill Manors branding.
3. There is synergy in terms of the trademark logo of ill Manors being placed. More exclusively there is presentation of the entire cast which is evidently shown in the actual film as well as some appearances of cast members in the music video.
2. This poster exhibits the consistent inclusion of imagery suggesting urbanism with the monochrome layer of a typical London estate block. However, the most profound feature is indubitably the use of the ill Manors logo.
3. An exclusive aspect of this poster which has synergy with the entire promotional campaign of ill Manors is the slogan 'We are all products of our environment... some environments are just harder to survive in'. Other aspects include the ill Manors logo as well as exhibiting the protagonist of the film.
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