Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Audience Theory questions

Article 1 
  • How can you link this news article to the hypodermic needle theory? 
The news article demonstrates the indoctrinating aspect outlined in the hypodermic needle theory which suggests that the media will inject ideas, beliefs and ideas into an audience. This particular article aims to convince the audience to believe that playing violent video games will promote aggressive behaviour.
  • Find another online article/academic study that challenges the belief that violent video games are harmful. Provide the link and summarise its key points.

Playing violent video games ‘not harmful to children’ - This article challenges the belief proposed by the DailyMail article and suggests alternatively that playing violent video games can actually benefit. Benefits outlined by this media text include that violent video-gaming could be therapeutic and reduce aggression and bullying behaviour in children. 

  • What's your view on this debate?
I believe that the entire concept of aggressive behaviour being encouraged by entertainment such as violent video games relies solely on subjectivity and individual differences. This can vary according to exposure to sensitive material within an audience as well as their characteristics such as age and education. 

Article 2 

  • How can you link this feature to the two-step flow model?
This feature relates to the two-step flow model because an audience (opinion follower) is being influenced by the BBC news reporter, being the opinion leader to channel the mass media of this particular YouTube channel.

  • Identify FIVE other YouTubers who are influencing audiences. 

  • Post up links to their content and explain how they mediate information/content for their audiences.
NKA delivers skateboarding and fitness related content with a cinematic approach as well as integrating comedy as an entertaining factor of appeal.

- DeliStatus is a skateboarding based YouTube channel which showcases series's of videos with a montage format with accompanied adult humour as well as reference to current trends to appeal to it's teenage urban audience.

- ChampChong 'providing the latest in gaming news' aims to supply video game enthusiasts with updates and reviews of video games from an unbiased perspective as he does not represent a gaming institution. 

- Ryan Higa is known primarily as a vlogger but also produces film content such as skits and sketches with a comedic approach. He mediates the opinions and beliefs in his videos from a personal perspective with an urge for support from an audience by using convincing methods of antertainment appeal and persuasion.

'KSIOlajideBT' - https://www.youtube.com/user/ksiolajidebt - KSI is a regular YouTuber who also employs the comedic approach of streaming and supplying gameplay footage. The views and ideas he advertises in his videos are not intended for impressionable audiences as his dialogue consists majorly of satire and incongruity. 

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